
美国油脂化学家协会(American Oil Chemists’ Society, AOCS)是针对油脂、蛋白质、表面活性剂及相关方面的高端国际科技论坛,其前沿的技术方案闻名全球,历届AOCS年会涉及数十个相关领域,设有600多个学术报告与海报,至今已举办112届。




09:00-11:30 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Lianzhou Jiang & Xuebing Xu
09:00-09:30 大豆蛋白研究新进展
Soy protein: recent advances in processing technologies
江连洲 Lianzhou Jiang(东北农业大学)
09:30-10:00 粮油行业创新面临的挑战
Innovation for food industry towards better safety and nutrition
徐学兵 Xuebing Xu(益海嘉里)
10:00-10:30 AOCS advances the science and technology of oils, fats, proteins, surfactants, and related materials, enriching the lives of people everywhere Janet Cheney(AOCS,AOCS Membership Dirtector)
10:30-11:00 Challenges and opportunities in developing plant protein meat analogues Mian Nadeem Riaz(得克萨斯农工大学)
11:00-11:30 Stability and Stabilization of Food Lipids Fereidoon Shahidi(加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学)


13:30-16:10 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Xuebing, Xu & Shangde, Sun
13:30-13:50 食品安全检验方法标准展望 肖晶 Jing Xiao(中国国家食品安全风险评估中心标准中心)
13:50-14:10 Advances in phospholipase D research 王永华 Yonghua Wang(华南理工大学)
14:10-14:30 油脂及婴配奶粉中氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯检测方法开发及验证 张鸿 Hong Zhang(上海仪真分析仪器有限公司 高级产品经理)
14:30-14:50 食用油中污染物全自动分析方案与实践
Fully automated analysis solution and practice of contaminants in edible oil
曹文明 Wenming Cao(益海嘉里)
14:50-15:10 Enzymatic Interesterification of Palm-based Oil Blend: Physicochemical Properties, Crystallization Behaviors and Oxidative Stabilities 汪勇 Yong Wang(暨南大学)
15:10-15:30 脂肪结晶皮克林乳液的制备及性质研究
Formation of Pickering emulsions using solid lipid particles with tunable properties
张霞 Xia Zhang(华南理工大学)
15:30-15:50 基于界面重塑改善高含n-3 PUFA油脂食用品质的递送体系构建与应用
Construction and application of improved delivery systems for lipids rich in ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids based on interface remodeling
邓乾春 Qianchun Deng(中国农业科学院油料作物研究所)
15:50-16:10 蓖麻油基生物表面活性剂的制备研究 孙尚德 Shangde Sun(河南工业大学)


16:10-19:00 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
曹文明, Hongshun Yang
Wenming Cao & Hongshun Yang
16:20-16:40 中国母乳特征结构脂的营养评价
Nutritional evaluation of the characteristic structural fats of Chinese breast milk
李静 Jing Li(南昌大学)
16:40-17:00 食源性甾醇氧化物促动脉粥样硬化作用及机制研究
The pro-atherosclerotic effect andmechanism of food-derived sterol oxidation products
陆柏益 Baiyi Lu(浙江大学)
17:00-17:20 淀粉基结构化油脂构建与应用
Construction and application of oil structuring based on starch
刘兴训 Xingxun Liu(南京财经大学)
17:20-17:40 常见植物油脂营养价值及我国油脂和脂肪酸推荐摄入量
The nutritional value of common plant oils and the dietary recommended intakes of oil and fatty acid for Chinese residents
孙桂菊 Guiju Sun(东南大学公共卫生学院)
17:40-18:00 Oxidized and polymerized triacylglycerols: potential indicators for palm olein adulteration detection Chin Ping Tan(马来西亚博特拉大学)
18:00-18:20 魔芋胶-植物蛋白基素鱼丸的流变和质构特性
Rheological and textural properties of a plant-based fishball analogue based on plant protein-konjac glucomannan
Hongshun Yang(新加坡国立大学)
18:20-18:40 脂质伴随物抗氧化相互作用机制与应用研究
Investigations on the Mechanism and Application of Antioxidant Interaction in Lipid Phytochemicals
刘睿杰 Ruijie Liu(江南大学)
18:40-19:00 Circular Chemistry for Sustainability: A biosynthesis pathway from waste oils to bioplastics Zheng Guo(奥尔胡斯大学)


09:00-11:00 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Keshun Liu, 隋晓楠
Keshun Liu & Xiaonan Sui
09:00-09:30 Immune-modulating properties of sunflower enzymatic protein hydrolysate, membrane fractions and identified peptide sequences Rotimi E. Aluko (曼尼托巴大学)
09:30-10:00 Protein from canola/rapeseed – An overview Janitha Wanasundara(加拿大农业及农业食品部)
10:00-10:30 Biobased Surfactants: A Review Douglas G. Hayes(田纳西大学)
10:30-11:00 Modulation of intestinal microbiota by short chain pyroglutamyl peptides in cereal protein hydrolyaste via enhancing endogenous antimicrobial peptide 佐藤健司 Kenji Sato (京都大学)


13:30-15:30 会议主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Xiaoquan Yang & Xiaonan Sui
13:30-13:50 基于高水分挤压技术的新型植物基肉制品研究进展
Research progress and and development trend of high-moisture extruded new plant protein-based meat substitutes
王强 Qiang Wang(中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所)
13:50-14:10 植物肉及植物奶制品加工技术研究进展
Research Progress on processing technology of plant based meat and dairy products
杨晓泉 Xiaoquan Yang(华南理工大学)
14:10-14:30 冻藏过程中酶交联改性SPI凝胶的特性研究
Gel properties of SPI modified by enzymatic cross-linking during frozen storage
郭顺堂 Shuntang Guo(中国农业大学)
14:30-14:50 植物蛋白的生产技术研究和蛋白产品的开发 刘新旗 Xinqi Liu(北京工商大学)
14:50-15:10 基于多糖和蛋白质的植物基素肉设计研究
Design of artificial meats based protein and polysaccharide
方亚鹏 Yapeng Fang(上海交通大学)
15:10-15:30 大豆基植物肉研究进展
Recent research updates on soy protein-based meat analogues
隋晓楠 Xiaonan Sui(东北农业大学)


15:40-18:10 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
张辉, 管骁
Hui Zhang & Xiao Guan
15:40-16:00 植物肉中脂肪组织模拟的研究进展
Research progress on mimicking adipose tissue in plant-based meat
袁媛 Yuan Yuan(Wilmar International limited)
16:00-16:20 高场强超声波技术在大豆蛋白加工中的应用
The Application of High Intensity Ultrasound in Soy Protein Production
胡昊 Hao Hu(华中农业大学)
16:20-16:40 基于乳液电纺的明胶基核壳纳米纤维的构建
Fabrication of Core-Shell Nanofibers by Electrospinning of Gelatin-Based Emulsions
张辉 Hui Zhang(浙江大学)
16:40-17:00 新型植物基纳米载体系统及其应用
Novel plant-based nano-carrier system and their application
管骁 Xiao Guan(上海理工大学)
17:00-17:20 大豆加工过程中豆腥味成分产生机理的研究
Mechanism of the formation of beany odor compounds during soybean processing
华欲飞 Yufei Hua(江南大学)
17:20-17:40 预热处理中蛋白浓度对大豆蛋白酸凝胶特性的调控研究
Characteristics of soy protein gel induced by glucono-δ-lactone: Effects of the protein concentration during
万洋灵 Lingyang Wan(丰益(上海)生物技术研发中心有限公司)
17:40-18:00 植物蛋白在中国消费者端的需求解析
The demand from the Chinese consumers for plant-based products
洪小齐 Qiqi Hong(上海魅味特食品科技有限公司)


09:00 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Lianzhou Jiang & Xuebing Xu
09:00 大豆蛋白研究新进展
Soy protein: recent advances in processing technologies
江连洲 Lianzhou Jiang(东北农业大学)
09:30 粮油行业创新面临的挑战
Innovation for food industry towards better safety and nutrition
徐学兵 Xuebing Xu(益海嘉里)
10:00 AOCS advances the science and technology of oils, fats, proteins, surfactants, and related materials, enriching the lives of people everywhere
Janet Cheney(AOCS,AOCS Membership Dirtector)
10:30 Challenges and opportunities in developing plant protein meat analogues
Mian Nadeem Riaz(得克萨斯农工大学)
11:00 Stability and Stabilization of Food Lipids
Fereidoon Shahidi(加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学)


13:30 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Xuebing, Xu & Shangde, Sun
13:30 食品安全检验方法标准展望
肖晶 Jing Xiao(中国国家食品安全风险评估中心标准中心)
13:50 Advances in phospholipase D research
王永华 Yonghua Wang(华南理工大学)
14:10 油脂及婴配奶粉中氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯检测方法开发及验证
张鸿 Hong Zhang(上海仪真分析仪器有限公司 高级产品经理)
14:30 食用油中污染物全自动分析方案与实践
Fully automated analysis solution and practice of contaminants in edible oil
曹文明 Wenming Cao(益海嘉里)
14:50 Enzymatic Interesterification of Palm-based Oil Blend: Physicochemical Properties, Crystallization Behaviors and Oxidative Stabilities
汪勇 Yong Wang(暨南大学)
15:10 脂肪结晶皮克林乳液的制备及性质研究
Formation of Pickering emulsions using solid lipid particles with tunable properties
张霞 Xia Zhang(华南理工大学)
15:30 基于界面重塑改善高含n-3 PUFA油脂食用品质的递送体系构建与应用
Construction and application of improved delivery systems for lipids rich in ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids based on interface remodeling
邓乾春 Qianchun Deng(中国农业科学院油料作物研究所)
15:50 蓖麻油基生物表面活性剂的制备研究
孙尚德 Shangde Sun(河南工业大学)


16:10 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
曹文明, Hongshun Yang
Wenming Cao & Hongshun Yang
16:20 中国母乳特征结构脂的营养评价
Nutritional evaluation of the characteristic structural fats of Chinese breast milk
李静 Jing Li(南昌大学)
16:40 食源性甾醇氧化物促动脉粥样硬化作用及机制研究
The pro-atherosclerotic effect andmechanism of food-derived sterol oxidation products
陆柏益 Baiyi Lu(浙江大学)
17:00 淀粉基结构化油脂构建与应用
Construction and application of oil structuring based on starch
刘兴训 Xingxun Liu(南京财经大学)
17:20 常见植物油脂营养价值及我国油脂和脂肪酸推荐摄入量
The nutritional value of common plant oils and the dietary recommended intakes of oil and fatty acid for Chinese residents
孙桂菊 Guiju Sun(东南大学公共卫生学院)
17:40 Oxidized and polymerized triacylglycerols: potential indicators for palm olein adulteration detection
Chin Ping Tan(马来西亚博特拉大学)
18:00 魔芋胶-植物蛋白基素鱼丸的流变和质构特性
Rheological and textural properties of a plant-based fishball analogue based on plant protein-konjac glucomannan
Hongshun Yang(新加坡国立大学)
18:20 脂质伴随物抗氧化相互作用机制与应用研究
Investigations on the Mechanism and Application of Antioxidant Interaction in Lipid Phytochemicals
刘睿杰 Ruijie Liu(江南大学)
18:40 Circular Chemistry for Sustainability: A biosynthesis pathway from waste oils to bioplastics
Zheng Guo(奥尔胡斯大学)


09:00 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Keshun Liu, 隋晓楠
Keshun Liu & Xiaonan Sui
09:00 Immune-modulating properties of sunflower enzymatic protein hydrolysate, membrane fractions and identified peptide sequences
Rotimi E. Aluko (曼尼托巴大学)
09:30 Protein from canola/rapeseed – An overview
Janitha Wanasundara(加拿大农业及农业食品部)
10:00 Biobased Surfactants: A Review
Douglas G. Hayes(田纳西大学)
10:30 Modulation of intestinal microbiota by short chain pyroglutamyl peptides in cereal protein hydrolyaste via enhancing endogenous antimicrobial peptide
佐藤健司 Kenji Sato (京都大学)


13:30 会议主持人
Moderator of the Conference
Xiaoquan Yang & Xiaonan Sui
13:30 基于高水分挤压技术的新型植物基肉制品研究进展
Research progress and and development trend of high-moisture extruded new plant protein-based meat substitutes
王强 Qiang Wang(中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所)
13:50 植物肉及植物奶制品加工技术研究进展
Research Progress on processing technology of plant based meat and dairy products
杨晓泉 Xiaoquan Yang(华南理工大学)
14:10 冻藏过程中酶交联改性SPI凝胶的特性研究
Gel properties of SPI modified by enzymatic cross-linking during frozen storage
郭顺堂 Shuntang Guo(中国农业大学)
14:30 植物蛋白的生产技术研究和蛋白产品的开发
刘新旗 Xinqi Liu(北京工商大学)
14:50 基于多糖和蛋白质的植物基素肉设计研究
Design of artificial meats based protein and polysaccharide
方亚鹏 Yapeng Fang(上海交通大学)
15:10 大豆基植物肉研究进展
Recent research updates on soy protein-based meat analogues
隋晓楠 Xiaonan Sui(东北农业大学)


15:40 大会主持人
Moderator of the Conference
张辉, 管骁
Hui Zhang & Xiao Guan
15:40 植物肉中脂肪组织模拟的研究进展
Research progress on mimicking adipose tissue in plant-based meat
袁媛 Yuan Yuan(Wilmar International limited)
16:00 高场强超声波技术在大豆蛋白加工中的应用
The Application of High Intensity Ultrasound in Soy Protein Production
胡昊 Hao Hu(华中农业大学)
16:20 基于乳液电纺的明胶基核壳纳米纤维的构建
Fabrication of Core-Shell Nanofibers by Electrospinning of Gelatin-Based Emulsions
张辉 Hui Zhang(浙江大学)
16:40 新型植物基纳米载体系统及其应用
Novel plant-based nano-carrier system and their application
管骁 Xiao Guan(上海理工大学)
17:00 大豆加工过程中豆腥味成分产生机理的研究
Mechanism of the formation of beany odor compounds during soybean processing
华欲飞 Yufei Hua(江南大学)
17:20 预热处理中蛋白浓度对大豆蛋白酸凝胶特性的调控研究
Characteristics of soy protein gel induced by glucono-δ-lactone: Effects of the protein concentration during
万洋灵 Lingyang Wan(丰益(上海)生物技术研发中心有限公司)
17:40 植物蛋白在中国消费者端的需求解析
The demand from the Chinese consumers for plant-based products
洪小齐 Qiqi Hong(上海魅味特食品科技有限公司)



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